Wednesday 26 February 2014

Carrot Burfi.

It is believed that the carrot was first cultivated in the area now known as Afghanistan thousands of years ago as a small forked purple or yellow root with a woody and bitter flavor, resembling nothing of the carrot we know today.

Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin A, providing 210% of the average adult's needs for the day. They also provide 6% of vitamin C needs, 2% of calcium needs and 2% of iron needs per serving.
 It is the antioxidant beta-carotene that gives carrots their bright orange color. Beta-carotene is absorbed in the intestine and converted into vitamin A during digestion.
Carrots also contain fiber, vitamin K, potassium, folate, manganese, phosphorous, magnesium, vitamin E and zinc.
An overwhelming body of evidence exists suggesting that increased intake of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables reduce cancer and cardiovascular disease risks, carrots included.
The antioxidants and phytochemicals in carrots may also help with blood sugar regulation, delay the effects of aging, and improve immune function.

Let’s make some delicious Sweet dish- 
Carrot Burfi.

Ingredients :
1 kg-  carrots, 1 ½ kg Sugar, ¼ kg- ghee, 1- ½ katori coconut gratings, 1 tsp- Elaichi pd. Powdered Dry fruits .

Method : 

1.Wash & peel out carrots & grate them.
2. Add 1 tbsp ghee in a karayi n add carrot gratings
3. Now add coconut gratings.
4. Add Sugar n mix well.
5. Keep stirring so that to avoid burning at the bottom.
6. Now add 1 more tbsp ghee n mix well.
7. Add elaichi pd & dry fruits pd.
8. Grease the thali with ghee & keep it ready for pouring the ready burfi mixture.
9. When the mixture comes out without sticking the karayi, pour it on the thali.
10. Flatten it with rolling pin & cut in to Diamond shape pieces.
Your  delicious & healthy Carrot Burfi is ready..

Enjoy Friends …

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